Go Beyond Binational Customs Compliance, Logistics can be Duty-free!

What could your business accomplish if it became duty-free?

Cross-border logistics has become the competitive advantage of many industry-leading companies, allowing duty savings to be injected into other areas of revenue-generating activities. 

Today we share the pillars of successful duty-free fulfillment!

Location plays a great role in this strategy with continuous political and economic efforts to leverage international trade, Mexico and the United States have legal fundamentals and programs of customs compliance for your business to save on duties and sell to the American market. 

The Mexican IMMEX program authorizes you to import temporarily for future exportation. To comply correctly, Annex 24 and Annex 30 are implemented to control and present to Mexican customs the flow of goods accurately. 

On the other hand, the United States has facilitated commerce importation with Section 321. This customs entry allows import shipments under $800 dollars to be introduced. Important considerations are Each shipment must be manifested separately and must have individuals’ names and addresses. 

Check out our other videos on the dynamic flow of cost-effective fulfillment and how to uplevel your logistics! It’s been my pleasure and privilege to serve you! 


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