Mexicali´s Manufacturing Industry: Pillar of Investment and Growth for Our Border

The Baja California industry has experienced exponential development despite the pandemic side-effects, attracting large corporations to set up their operations in the state capital, Mexicali. The industrial dynamics of the state and the American dependency have been contributing factors that have prevented the stagnation of its industrial activity. Why is Mexicali continuously attractive for foreign investment? Let’s talk about it.

Away from the national trend, Mexicali has more than 900 maquilas, positioning the state as a leader in manufacturing and exports with an 18% contribution to IMMEX production nationwide.

Additionally, Baja California reports 124 companies affiliated with INDEX, a fundamental piston of its economic engine and development. Mexicali provides a workforce of 70,000 qualified and reliable employees. Recognized for participating in the medical, telecommunications, automotive, electronics, aerospace, and more sectors, it has not only been the cradle of American operations but also companies from Canada, France and Germany have established themselves in this area. It is characterized by its population of families with little migration, enjoying for generations an attractive quality of life contributed by the rise of the industrial sector. As a result, investors rely on a stable, reliable and loyal workforce.

The metal-mechanic industry has not been left behind in taking advantage of a highly trained workforce, managing to consolidate itself over the years, allowing both national and foreign companies to expand their operations in Mexicali.

With 15 medical companies, Mexicali participates in Baja California as one of the largest medical clusters in Latin America. With its strategic location, Mexicali presents a favorable advantage for the manufacturing industry and access to lucrative cross-border markets. It has the logistics infrastructure and advantages for intermodal transport for the manufacturing industry such as:

  • Terrestrial connectivity (located 15 minutes from EU Interstate 8 and 1 hour from EU Interstate 10)
  • Air traffic (Daily flights to Mexico City and proximity to Tijuana airport)
  • Equidistant from strategic ports on both sides of the border
  • Railway system for national or international trade

Investment from Asia, especially in the electronics sector, has benefited from its proximity to the peaceful ports of both Ensenada and Long Beach to consider this developing city as ideal. The integration of national and international markets has presented challenges but has also created new investment opportunities and fostered free trade.

Our logistics experts facilitate your transition to establish profitable and efficient operations in the productive and strategic city of Mexicali with the infrastructure you are looking for to grow. Let’s talk today to get on the road to the city of explosive growth!


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